America says, CeaseFire Now!
When you click “Call me” below, you will receive a phone call on the number you provided and be patched through to your representatives. You will be able to view a script at this time. After you deliver a message, press * (star) to be connected to your next representative, until you’ve called all three representatives. If you don’t get through, please leave a voicemail Wait! Before you dial: Check to see if your Senators and Representative have already called for a ceasefire using the tracker IMPAC Action has built in collaboration with the Working Families Party. If they have, use our “has called for a ceasefire script”

Call Scripts
Script 1 — For Senate Offices:
My name is {Your Name}. I am a constituent of {Senator’s Name}. I ask that the Senator immediately call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and oppose sending any more US weapons and military funding to the Israeli government. The Senator must call for an immediate ceasefire and oppose any more weapons to Israel.
Script 2 — For House Offices:
My name is {Your Name}. I am a constituent of {Representative Name}. I ask that the Representative immediately call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and to oppose sending any more US weapons and military funding to the Israeli government. The Representative must call for an immediate ceasefire and oppose any more weapons to Israel.
Script 3 — Thank you script:
My name is {Your Name}. I am a constituent of {Sen/Rep Name}. I am glad that they have already called for a ceasefire in Gaza and thank them for doing so. I am calling to ask that they publicly and urgently pressure the Biden administration to echo this call, and that they also strongly oppose sending any US weapons and military funding to the Israeli government. Thank you.