Illinois Muslim Political Action Committee is an effort to empower Muslims for justice and solidarity.

IMPAC is dedicated to bolstering political candidates who resonate with our core interests and values.

We are organizing a grassroot, multiracial, cross class, intergenerational movement of US Muslims.

If you have been looking for a political home for Muslims in this perilous moment, if you have been wanting a Muslim community with justice at the center, if you have been looking to turn your rage and grief into meaningful and  strategic action, if you believe in raising and spending money to elect or defeat political candidates, if you believe in changing legislation in USA, then you are with the right organization.


IMPAC is dedicated to supporting Palestinian rights and advocating for pro-Palestine members of Congress and candidates.


May 15 1948, is known worldwide as day the state of Israel was created. But that date is commemorated by the Palestinians as the beginning of al-Nakba, or “the Catastrophe,” the beginning of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland.

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